Vicious Dog Laws

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 What Are Dangerous Dog Laws?

Dangerous dog laws are regulations and ordinances that address the responsibility of dog owners in preventing harm to others. They ensure that dogs with a history or risk of a bite are managed in a way that minimizes potential harm.

These laws typically require owners to take certain precautions, such as maintaining liability insurance, to cover potential damages caused by their dogs.

What Qualifies a Dog to Be Dangerous?

A dog may be considered dangerous based on a few criteria.

A History of Unprovoked Aggression or Bites

This criterion focuses on the dog’s past behaviors, especially any aggressive tendencies it has displayed without being provoked. Unprovoked aggression means that the dog exhibited hostile behavior without any apparent cause or without being threatened. The past actions of a dog can be a strong predictor of future behavior. A history of bites is particularly concerning because it shows that the dog has already caused harm and may do so again.


  • A dog that has bitten a passerby on multiple occasions, even when the individual was just walking by and not interacting with the dog.
  • A dog that consistently growls, snaps at, or tries to attack visitors to a home without any apparent reason.
  • An incident where a dog escaped its yard and chased down a child on a bike, resulting in a bite.

Behaviors Indicating Extreme Recklessness or Extreme Negligence by the Owner in Managing the Dog

The behavior of the dog owner is crucial in assessing the risk posed by a potentially dangerous dog. Reckless or negligent management means the owner has failed to take necessary precautions or has shown a blatant disregard for the potential harm their dog could cause. Such behaviors indicate that the owner may not be responsible or equipped to handle a potentially dangerous animal.


  • An owner who consistently lets their dog roam freely in a neighborhood, knowing the dog has aggressive tendencies.
  • An owner who brings their dog to a crowded park and doesn’t use a leash, even after witnessing the dog display aggressive behavior towards others in the past.
  • Ignoring or dismissing warnings and complaints from neighbors or local authorities about the dog’s behavior.

Threatening Behavior Towards People or Other Animals, Even If No Physical Harm Has Been Caused

Not all dangerous behaviors result in physical harm, but they can be precursors to more serious incidents. Threatening behavior is any action by a dog that could make an individual reasonably fear for their safety or the safety of their pets. Such behaviors, even if they don’t result in immediate harm, indicate an underlying aggression issue that could escalate.


  • A dog that consistently barks violently and lunges at a fence whenever someone walks by.
  • A dog that displays aggressive posturing, like raised hackles or bared teeth, when approached by other dogs, even if it doesn’t actually attack.
  • An incident where a dog cornered a person or another pet, growling and snapping, forcing the individual to take evasive actions, even if they weren’t bitten.

Understanding these criteria and their implications is essential for both dog owners and the community. They underscore the need for responsible pet ownership and the importance of addressing potential threats before they result in serious harm.

What Are Some Common Injuries Associated with Dangerous Dogs?

Injuries from dangerous dogs can vary in severity. The most common include the following.

Puncture Wounds and Lacerations

When a dog bites, the force exerted can cause both puncture wounds (where the teeth pierce the skin) and lacerations (tearing of the skin). The severity can range from minor nicks to deep gashes. These wounds are particularly concerning because they can lead to infections, especially if not treated promptly.

Example: Imagine a jogger being attacked by a stray dog. The dog’s canine teeth puncture deep into the jogger’s calf, leaving both holes and torn skin. Such an injury would require immediate medical attention, possible stitches, and antibiotic treatment to prevent infection.

Broken Bones or Fractures from Falls During an Attack

During a dog attack, the victim might try to flee or might be knocked over by the force of the attacking animal. This can lead to falls, which in turn can cause broken bones or fractures, especially in vulnerable populations like the elderly.

Example: An elderly woman walking her small dog is suddenly charged at by a larger, aggressive dog. In her attempt to shield her pet, she falls and breaks her wrist. The fall, in this case, is a direct consequence of the dog’s aggressive behavior.

Infections Resulting from Bite Wounds

Dog mouths, like human mouths, are filled with bacteria. When a dog bites, that bacteria can be transferred deep into the wound, creating a ripe environment for infections. If not properly cleaned and treated, a bite wound can lead to serious infections, including tetanus or even sepsis.

Example: A child is bitten by a neighbor’s dog. Initially, the wound seems superficial, and the parents clean it with soap and water. However, after a few days, the area becomes red, swollen, and oozes pus, indicating a bacterial infection that requires medical intervention.

Psychological Trauma, Especially in Children

Beyond the physical harm, dog attacks can result in lasting psychological trauma. The victim may develop a phobia of dogs, suffer from anxiety, or experience symptoms of PTSD. Children, given their developmental stage, are particularly vulnerable to such psychological impacts.

Example: After being bitten by a dog at a park, a young boy becomes terrified of all dogs. He refuses to go near them, has nightmares about the incident, and is anxious even when hearing a dog bark in the distance.

In Extreme Cases, Wrongful Death Due to Severe Attacks

Though rare, there are instances where dog attacks are so severe that they result in the death of the victim. This can be due to critical injuries inflicted during the attack or complications that arise afterward, such as infections.

Example: A toddler wanders into a yard where a poorly secured and aggressive dog resides. The dog attacks, inflicting severe wounds. Despite medical intervention, the child succumbs to the injuries. In such cases, the dog owner might face wrongful death hearings and significant legal consequences.

Each of these injuries underscores the responsibility dog owners bear in ensuring their pets are well-trained, properly supervised, and secured.

What Do I Need to Do If My Dog Is Dangerous?

If you own a dog that is deemed dangerous:

  • Ensure you have adequate liability insurance to cover potential damages.
  • Follow local regulations, which may require muzzling the dog in public, securing the dog in a specific manner at home, or even attending obedience classes.
  • Regularly monitor and manage your dog’s behavior to prevent incidents.

What Will Happen If My Dangerous Dog Is Accused of Injuring Someone?

If your dog injures someone:

  • You may be required to attend wrongful death hearings, especially if the injuries were fatal.
  • You might face fines or be required to compensate the injured party.
  • Depending on the severity and circumstances of the attack, your dog may be seized or, in some cases, euthanized.
  • You may be mandated to implement stricter safety measures to prevent further incidents.

Can I Face Criminal Charges for a Dangerous Dog Incident?

Yes. If your dog’s actions were the result of extreme negligence or extreme recklessness on your part, you could face criminal charges. These might range from a misdemeanor for minor incidents to felony charges for more severe cases, especially if it’s not the first time your dog has caused harm.

Do I Need a Lawyer for Help with a Dangerous Dog Case?

Absolutely. If you’re facing accusations related to a dangerous dog incident, it’s crucial to consult with a lawyer familiar with local dangerous dog laws and regulations.

Facing a dangerous dog case? Protect your rights and find the right dog bite lawyer through LegalMatch today.

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