Editorial Policy

At LegalMatch.com, we understand the significance of the issues our users and readers may be facing, and how these can have profound life impacts. We aim to provide all the up-to-date and trustworthy information you need on any legal topic.

Our team of legal experts craft content for our platform and related subdomains, providing general guidance expressed in clear terms to help you better understand the law and take the first steps to resolving your legal issue. This editorial policy unifies and governs all content posted on LegalMatch.com, ensuring that we maintain the highest level of quality and accuracy, including any contributions from trusted third-party collaborators.

About Our Content

The content on LegalMatch.com undergoes extensive research to ensure our writers craft accurate information that is not only unique but also beneficial to our readers. LegalMatch.com staff are responsible for generating thousands of articles across 220 legal categories, meticulously referencing authoritative sources to ensure accuracy.

Before being published on LegalMatch.com, each piece of content undergoes a thorough review process to ensure it is clear, legally accurate, and adheres to our strict style guidelines. At LegalMatch.com, we make every effort to source our legal content appropriately, earning your trust in our reliability. When possible, we provide links to our sources which typically include, but are not limited to:

  • Local, state, and federal laws
  • Federal and state case law
  • Government websites
  • Major newspapers and media outlets
  • Legal industry publications and newsletters

Correction Requests

All information presented on LegalMatch.com, including case law, is considered public information. Requests for content removal from LegalMatch.com and its subdomains will be carefully evaluated on a case-by-case basis, maintaining a trustworthy balance. This assessment will consider the significance of providing access to precedential case opinions and up-to-date legal information to the public, balanced against any potential harm to the requesting party resulting from the content's hosting. We reserve the right to preserve any content deemed valuable to attorneys and/or the public.

We are committed to promptly correcting any information that is found to be inaccurate, thereby strengthening your trust in our commitment to accuracy. While we strive for the highest level of accuracy, laws change frequently. We therefore cannot and do not guarantee the accuracy of any information on LegalMatch.com or our related subdomains. None of the content we provide should be considered a substitute for professional legal advice. If you come across outdated or incorrect information on LegalMatch.com, please contact us.

General Disclaimer

The content on LegalMatch.com and our related subdomains is purely informational and should not be considered as a replacement for legal advice. For more details, please read our terms of use.

By accessing and utilizing LegalMatch.com and our related subdomains, you are bound by LegalMatch's terms of service, which apply to all published content. We are committed to adhering to copyright laws and, as such, do not knowingly host copyrighted material without explicit permission from the rightful copyright holder. If you suspect that any of our existing content infringes upon a copyright, we encourage you to promptly reach out to us.