Attorney Review & Success Story by Teresa H.

  • Teresa H.
  • Baton Rouge, LA
  • Family Law
  • Can access the app from a mobile phone.
  • Don’t have to pay per lead.

LegalMatch is one of the best investments you can make in your law business because it will pay for itself. If you work it right, it will do far more than pay for itself.

Lawyers Can Choose Cases and Be Flexible with Their Business with LegalMatch

LegalMatch has allowed me to pick and choose cases. It has also given me the freedom to decline to accept some cases, not just in LegalMatch, but just in general. If something comes in the door and I feel like it's not well suited for the office. I don't have to take in everything anymore because business is doing good.

Family law attorneys indicated that their business was slow in the early pandemic when the courthouse was closed. In my case, my law firm never missed a beat, and I think it is attributable to LegalMatch.

Respond to Client Inquiries Anywhere

I like the fact that I can answer the app from anywhere because I can access it on my phone. I can be in the courtroom, wait on a judge, and respond to LegalMatch inquiries. I like the fact that sometimes my support team may answer things for me. I have that freedom to answer things when and where, wherever I am; I don't need to be in the office to be able to respond.

LegalMatch Lets Lawyers Decide How Many Clients They Want to Take in

Other lead-generating systems have contacted me, but they didn't work for me because they require you to pay by the lead. Some would require the lawyer to take a certain number of clients per month. LegalMatch doesn't ask you to do that; you have the freedom to say yay or nay to just about everything. This is the only way I would have accepted a lead-generating service.

LegalMatch is one of the best investments you can make in your law business because it will pay for itself. If you work it right, it will do far more than pay for itself.

Clients from LegalMatch Generate Referrals

Treat your clients respectfully. Work every case as best as you can. Clients will always come back to you and they will always generate other referrals. I've had clients for whom I've worked their cases really hard and particularly in family law. Clients will never be super happy, but even though they don't seem super happy, they know you work hard for them and will send you other people, other clients. You know, it might be a year, it might be two years from now, but they will generate additional revenue.

LegalMatch Sustains Your Law Firm by Consistently Generating Leads

When I opened my business, it was probably 2009 or 2010, and we're now in 2021. There were days that I worried if business would come in, and you know, when you get further on, it does come, and you stop worrying about it. But those clients from 10, 11 years ago are still my clients today. They may not need you all the time, but when they do need you, most of them are still your clients because you did an excellent job for them. They keep coming back through the door, and if they don't need you, they will send other people.