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Christian Attorneys at LegalMatch

The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul. Psalm 19

LegalMatch has an extensive database of pre-screened attorneys, also called lawyers, in your city or county who specialize in many areas of law, including:

What you may not be aware of is that a large number of these attorneys are also devout Christians. LegalMatch recognizes the importance of matching a client and a lawyer who share the same fundamental morals and beliefs.

LegalMatch recognizes that certain clients may prefer to specifically hire a Christian attorney to assist with their case. In response to this need, LegalMatch offers the option of choosing a Christian attorney when searching for attorneys.

LegalMatch is able to match clients with local, reputable, Christian attorneys who can guide and protect their clients in the face of legal challenges. The strategies and practices of these attorneys will align with their clients’ faith. By choosing a LegalMatch Christian attorney to represent you, you will not have to compromise your standards of decency or ethics in order to successfully resolve your case.

There are numerous Christian legal organizations which are dedicated to helping defend First Amendment rights and the sanctity of life. For example, the Alliance Defense Fund recently succeeded in having a federal court overturn a local ordinance which restricted an individual’s ability to distribute Christian literature on the door handles of his neighbors’ homes.

There are many organizations which may be able to assist you if your case involves First Amendment or right to life issues, including:

A private Christian attorney may be the most appropriate resource for you if you are seeking assistance with personal legal issues, which can include adoptions, personal injury claims, or drafting wills and trusts.

If you are ready to get started, simply complete the LegalMatch confidential intake survey and make sure to specify that you would like a Christian attorney to represent you. LegalMatch will then select from its database Christian attorneys who are best qualified to handle your case.

Next, the attorneys who are interested in assisting with your case will respond, providing their:

  • Experience;
  • Fee structure; and
  • Specific religious denomination.

You will then be able to make your selection from those attorneys based on their:

  • Personal responses;
  • LegalMatch attorney profile;
  • Details regarding practice areas;
  • Client ratings; and
  • Other vital information.

Who are Some Famous Christian Lawyers?

Since the early days in the Christian church, Christian lawyers have played a significant role in the progress and growth of the church. Christian lawyers have often used their legal skills and training to further the cause of Christianity and uphold its tenets.

Outside of the religious or church community, Christian lawyers have accomplished significant advances for the greater good of the Christian church and society. Today, Christian attorneys continue to represent individuals and organizations to promote ideals including justice, equality, and freedom.

Prominent historical Christian attorneys include:

  • Zenas the Lawyer;
  • Tertullian;
  • Lewis Wallace;
  • William Jennings Bryan; and
  • Michael McConnell.

Zenas the Lawyer is a lawyer who is mentioned in the Bible. The Apostle Paul believed it was significant to include his profession when listing Zenas in the book of Titus, chapter 3, verse 13.

In this particular passage, Paul instructs the early church members to do everything they can to assist Zenas the lawyer and his companion Apollos and to ensure they have everything they need. This short passage conveys that attorneys played a significant role in the early founding of the Christian church as well as to serve as encouragement for the believers of today to continue supporting the legal profession.

Tertullian was born in 160 A.D. He was one of the most prolific Christian writers during the days of the early Christian church.

Tertullian is known for being an example of a Christian apologist who defended the Christian church against the various other ideologies that were in circulation at the time. He is known as the Father of Latin Christianity and the founder of Western theology. He was thought to be a lawyer specializing in Roman law due to his writing style and legal analogies.

Lewis Wallace was born in 1827. Known as “Lew,” he was an American attorney and author of Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ, which was later adapted to film. He used his legal training outside of lawyering to examine the historical legitimacy of Christian doctrines including the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Wallace approached the resurrection as though it was a legal cause. He used various forms of evidence and deduction to analyze the historical truth of the event. Because of his writings, other individuals have used their legal training to conduct similar research of Christian doctrines, including Harvard law professor Simon Greenleaf and British lawyer Frank Morison.

William Jennings Bryan was born in 1860. He was an American attorney and the 41st United States Secretary of State. He was the notable lawyer in the famous Scopes trial.

The Scopes trial addressed religion in public schools and the teaching of Darwinism and evolution. As an avid prohibitionist, Bryan was regarded as one of the most dynamic orators of his era as well as an advocate for the rights of the common people.

Michael McConnell was born in 1955. He is a lawyer, legal scholar, and formal federal judge in the United States District Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit.

As a lawyer and a judge, McConnell is noted for his advocacy involving the rights of Christian groups, especially the rights of religious organizations to exclude applicants and the Constitutional right to association. He was involved in notable cases including Boy Scouts of America v. Dale (200) and Christian Legal Society v. Martinez (2010).

What is the Typical Educational Background of a LegalMatch Christian Attorney?

A LegalMatch attorney profile details each attorney’s educational background and specifies whether they were trained at a Christian law school, such as Trinity Law or Regent University. At a Christian law school, law students are trained by professors who emphasize fundamental and enduring truths. Law students who graduate from these schools leave prepared to practice law with honor and dignity.

How Do I Hire a LegalMatch Christian Attorney to Help Me With My Legal Issue?

LegalMatch understands the importance of a harmonious attorney-client relationship. For some individuals, this means hiring a Christian attorney who maintains a similar set of values, morals, and ethical standards.

The attorney-client matching service at LegalMatch allows you to select if you would prefer to hire a Christian attorney when you present your case. You can present your case for free in just a few minutes to LegalMatch.

Simply visit the LegalMatch home page, select the area of law which best describes your legal issue and select to be matched to a Christian attorney in your area. Within about 24 hours, you will have attorney matches sent to you.

These matches will include information regarding each attorney’s practice areas, education, and fees. You have the freedom to choose which attorney best suits your needs.

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